
If you have boiled soy milk yourself, you should find that not only the taste is different from the commercially available packaged soy milk, but the shelf life of the commercially available soy milk is also longer. This is not because of what is added to the commercially available soy milk, but depends on the rigorous production process and packaging.


The key is equipment and sterilization

When making homemade soy milk and freshly boiled soy milk in the store, the number of bacteria in the air is high , so it is easy to rot at room temperature. Even if it is refrigerated, it can only be stored for two to three days .

The commercially available packaged soy milk is produced on a large scale. In order to ensure food safety, professional machinery and equipment are used, and the integrated production process is strictly controlled from the ultra-high temperature sterilization to the filling mechanism. Therefore, it can be stored in unopened cold storage for the longest. About two weeks . If it is further adopted aseptic packaging, it can be stored at room temperature for 9 months to one year.

Soy milk and soy milk are made of soybeans, but they are really different

The difference comes from the production process. Soymilk is refined based on soy milk through high-pressure homogenization and deodorization. Compared with soy milk, which has a rusty feeling when you drink it, the taste of soy milk is more delicate, like drinking fresh milk.

Whether it is soy milk or soy milk, homemade or commercially available, the raw materials are soybeans, and without other additives, the nutrients contained are not much different.

However, if the homemade soybean milk does not filter the residue, it can add more dietary fiber and calcium in the soybean residue.


Another reminder, homemade soy milk must be boiled to the boil, so as not to cause diarrhea, usually the first time it is boiled, it takes about 20 minutes to boil to complete.

Next time you buy soy milk or soy milk, first judge the number of days that can be stored from the production process. Fresh soy milk or refrigerated soy milk must be stored in the refrigerator. Aseptically packaged soy milk should be stored in a cool place without high temperature. After opening, it must be refrigerated. Before drinking, pay attention to whether the packaging is complete and whether the shelf life has expired, so as to avoid drinking soy milk!


This article is reproduced in " Taiwan Good Farmers "
