
The Best Sources of Protein for Vegetarians, According to Experts-Soy Bean

One of the biggest misconceptions of a vegetarian diet is that it lacks protein. But just because you’re not eating meat doesn’t mean you lack access to such a crucial part of proper nutrition.


How Much Protein Should You Eat?

Hartog says that the amount of protein you should be eating is determined by a couple of different factors: your body size, your muscle mass, and how physically active you are. She points to the current recommended dietary allowance (RDA), which suggests you eat about 0.8 grams of protein a day per kilogram body weight. By that metric, someone who weighs about 165 pounds, for example, should eat 60 grams of protein per day. For a vegetarian who weighs about 165 pounds, daily protein can look like one cup of tofu (which contains 24 grams of protein), one cup of cooked lentils (which contains 18 grams of protein), and half a cup of oats (which contains 5 grams of protein).


The Best Sources of Proteins for Vegetarians-Soy-Based Foods

Hartog says that soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, and edamame, have also been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers.


Soy milk makes for a great plant-based alternative to regular milk if you’re lactose-intolerant. It contains 7 grams of protein in a single cup serving. It is also rich in essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 and contains phytoestrogens that aid in reducing menopausal symptoms.


Tofu, which is made from pressing soy milk into a solid block, contains 17 grams of protein in a 100 grams serving. It is also rich in essential nutrients like calcium, manganese, copper, and selenium.

