
What Is Soy Milk?


Soy milk was one of the first plant-based milk alternatives to hit the mainstream market in 1996.And while it took a few decades for alternative milks to gain popularity, they seem to have hit their stride these days. There’s a seemingly infinite number of non-dairy milk options to choose from: oat, almond, cashew, rice, and soy milk are common choices for consumers, as are more niche varieties like pistachio, walnut, hazelnut, and even sesame seed milk.


Soy milk is made by simply blending water with soaked soybeans, then straining the mixture to remove any remaining solids. This milk-like beverage can be fortified with nutrients like calcium and vitamin D to make its nutrition profile more similar to cow’s milk; sweetened (typically with cane sugar); or even flavored with chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more.


Some brands will also contain additives like stabilizers and thickeners to make the texture and consistency of soy milk more similar to that of the cow’s milk many of us grew up drinking. Hint: Many of these added ingredients will have the word “gum” in their name on food labels.


People turn to dairy milk alternatives like soy milk for any number of reasons ranging from lactose intolerance, a plant-based lifestyle, or simply a preference to stock up on shelf-stable milks. Those sensitive to dairy often experience uncomfortable digestive symptoms after drinking cow’s milk, so something like soy milk gives them access to baked goods, cereals, lattes, and other favorites without the discomfort.

Author By Christina Manian, RDN
