
Good News for Sensitive Stomachs: Low-FODMAP Soy Foods


There are many soy-based foods that are suitable for the low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Monosaccharides And Polyols) diet such as firm tofu, soy cheese, plain tempeh, edamame, soybean oil, soy sauce, miso, and some soymilk.10 Food processing, fermentation, and maturity of the plant can impact the FODMAP content of soyfoods. For low and high FODMAP soyfoods examples, see the Table.

Table : Low and High FODMAP Soy-based Foods



Because FODMAPs are water-soluble carbohydrates, draining off the liquid, as is done with firm tofu, reduces the FODMAP content compared to silken tofu. The liquid contains the water-soluble oligosaccharides from the soybeans. The fermentation process utilized to make tempeh reduces its FODMAP content. Natto, a fermented soybean dish, has yet to be tested for FODMAPs and soy yogurt has been tested as high FODMAP. Products that utilize soy protein versus the whole soybean will be lower in FODMAP carbohydrates as well. For example, soymilk made with the whole soybean is high FODMAP versus soymilk made with isolated soy protein which is low FODMAP.